LEG3ND - Dive Regulator

LEG3ND - Dive Regulator

When performance is your highest priority, Le3gend is the answer. The Le3gend shares the same breathing characteristics with the Le3gend Elite and Le3gend MBS. The familiar venturi switch now features an updated and ergonomic design. Overmolded with “soft touch” elastomer, the ergonomically designed switch perfectly controls the venturi effect, either allowing or containing a natural freeflow.​ Designed and made in France. See full details
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Product Details - LEG3ND - Dive Regulator

Product Details

When performance is your highest priority, Le3gend is the answer. The Le3gend shares the same breathing characteristics with the Le3gend Elite and Le3gend MBS. The familiar venturi switch now features an updated and ergonomic design. Overmolded with “soft touch” elastomer, the ergonomically designed switch perfectly controls the venturi effect, either allowing or containing a natural freeflow.​ Designed and made in France. See product features Find my Regulator See declaration of conformity: EU_DECLARAT...


First stage
  • AUTO CLOSURE DEVICEThe ACD keeps the inlet shut to protect internal parts from debris and corrosive water when not connected to a cylinder valve. It helps to maintain oxygen compatibility, preserve internal lubrication, and keep the inlet filter clean and dry. This extends the life of the first stage between services.
  • PERMANENT DRY CHAMBERWhere there's no moisture, there's no ice. The Permanent Dry Chamber keeps internal parts clean and dry by isolating them from the outside environment. This enhances overall freeze resistance of the regulator when diving in cold water.
  • DE-ICEDeep ribs create a large heat exchange surface area, helping to prevent ice from forming on the mechanism. The overmolded cap delays ice formation over the external diaphragm.
  • OVER-BALANCED MECHANISMAlso known as Auto-Balanced, the Over-Balanced Mechanism overcompensates the interstage pressure to reduce your breathing effort. Regardless of depth or tank pressure, it provides effortless breathing from the beginning to the end of your dive. This results in superior performance at depth.
  • BALANCED DIAPHRAGMProvides superior and consistent performance.
  • BLUE HIGH PRESSURE SEATIt is the core of the first stage. The Blue High Pressure Seat opens and closes with every breath, forming a perfect seal with durable materials that work in all conditions and with all gasses. The working pressure of the first stage is automatically elevated to counteract the increased breathing air density.
  • DUST CAP PROTECTIONAttached to the regulator body, the Dust Cap protects the inlet fitting and the Auto Closure Device from impacts and damage. It also seals the first stage when it's off the tank.
  • DIN AND YOKE SCREWSErgonomically shaped and made of a bi-material “Soft Grip” surface, it provides a better hold when installing or removing the first stage – especially with cold hands.
  • CHANNELED YOKE SCREWPrevents water retention.
  • HP/MP PORTSPerfectly positioned to provide optimal hose routing.
  • AVAILABILITYDIN (4,350psi/300 bar max.) and YOKE (3,300psi/232 bar max.).
Second stage
  • COVER OPENING CHANNELSThe Front Cover Opening Channels allow water to flow sideways over the diaphragm. The wide radial openings prevent freeflows when diving in strong currents and reduces cracking effort by 20%.
  • AIR CHANNEL DEFLECTORStreamlined bi-material component directs the air flow evenly through the 2nd stage and lowers exhalation effort.
  • VENTURI ADJUSTMENT SWITCHThe Venturi Adjustment Switch allows divers to precisely control and adjust the air flow. In the “MIN” position, the valve's assistance is minimized, resulting in a higher inhalation effort, ideal to avoid freeflow. In the “MAX” position, the valve's assistance is maximized, resulting in a lower inhalation effort. The overmolded elastomer and ergonomically designed lever allow control of the air flow even while wearing gloves.
  • PNEUMATICALLY BALANCEDFor smooth and easy breathing at all depths.
  • HEAT EXCHANGERPrevent ice forming on the valve inlet.
  • OVERMOLDED AIR PURGEThe wide Overmolded Air Purge area is easy to control and makes purging your regulator easier.
  • OVERMOLDED EXHAUST COVERMade of elastomer with a “soft touch” effect, the Overmolded Exhaust Cover provides protection.
  • COMFOBITEA patented and comfortable mouthpiece featuring a unique palate bridge reduces jaw fatigue and securely holds the second stage in place. Made from hypoallergenic silicone, the orthodontic mouthpiece is both soft and sturdy.
  • INTERCHANGEABLE MOUTH PIECEThe detachable and reusable mouthpiece clamp allows for quick and simple tool-free change, avoiding plastic waste.
  • REUSABLE MOUTHPIECE CLIPPerform quick and easy mouthpiece changes using the removable, reusable clip.
  • AQUA FLEX HOSEFlexible and lightweight with dual protectors.


First stage

TechnologyOver Balanced
Max Working Pressure300 b on DIN, 232b on yoke
Auto-Closure Device (ACD)YES
Environmental ChamberYES
Number of HP ports2
Number of MP ports4
1st Stage Weight in DIN747g
1st Stage Weight in Yoke957g
Nitrox CompatibleYES to 40% O2 when new, out of the box (21% in Europe)

Second stage

TechnologyDownstream Valve
Venturi VaneYES
Adjustment KnobNO
Comfobite mouthpieceYES
Heat ExchangersYES
Lip shieldYES
Work Of Breathing0,70 j/L (50 m depth, 50 bars and a 62,5 l/min breathing rate)
Nitrox compatibleYES to 40% O2 when new, out of the box (21% in Europe)
What’s in the box - LEG3ND - Dive Regulator

What’s in the box

  • Leg3nd Regulator
  • User Manual
Download the owner's manual